Saturday, June 10, 2023

Robert Kennedy Jr. | Hotboxin' with Mike Tyson

Joe Rogan 

Discusses RFK Jr. Being Censored 

    This is a really bizarre story about the retroactive censorship of RFK Jr. I personally experienced this when I noticed that Mike Tyson's YouTube Video interview with RFK Jr. from 2 years ago was mysteriously removed from YouTube. YouTube said " "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Terms of Service". On June 5, 2023, once I noticed Mike Tyson's interview of RFK Jr. disappeared, I tweeted about it on Twitter

    It turns out I was not the only one to notice the video disappeared as Joe Rogan just discussed how strange it is that multiple years old YouTube videos of RFK Jr. have been mysteriously disappearing. This is very significant news as Joe Rogan is so influential with his following of 100 Million viewers, his influence could decided the next presidential election in the U.S.


Robert Kennedy Jr. 

Hotboxin' with Mike Tyson

This is a really strange story which I last updated just yesterday. I originally published this story on May 11, 2023, which featured the full length video interview between Mike Tyson and RFK Jr., which was originally published on YouTube 2 years ago. 

On May 27, 2023, I noticed that the video had mysteriously disappeared after I published it, despite the fact it had been up for 2 years??? I left the original video link at the bottom of this story.

Of course, YouTube did not say why the video had been taken down, it just said "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Terms of Service". I think the United States Congress needs to pass a law saying that if a social networking company or YouTube censor content, they should be obligated to say specifically why.

I thought perhaps the reason YouTube may have "removed" the video was due to the fact RFK goes into great detail about how the CIA assassinate his father, RFK Sr., as well as his uncle, President Kennedy, but strangely, YouTube still has the clip up where RFK Jr. discusses this in great detail, which can be seen below:

Update: May 27, 2023: Mike Tyson's video interview of RFK Jr . mysteriously disappeared after I published it, despite the fact it had been up for 2 rears??? 

Robert Kennedy Jr. 

Hotboxin' with Mike Tyson

This is a superb RFK Jr. interview by Mike Tyson, during which RFK Jr. goes into great detail on his uncles assassination.

If you are interested in watching the entire interview, it's up on Twitter: